Monday, February 13, 2012

Artist Inspirations

Steve McCurry is one of many famous photojournalists. Many people are aware of his incredible work including his image of Sharbat Gula who is an Afghan refugee girl. His work inspires me because he is able to capture the soul and essence of his objects.

Carol Guzy is an American photojournalist who is known for shooting feeling rather than just pictures. Her goal is to bring understanding between people in all parts of the world by capturing the darkest corners of human reality.  

Erik Almas is a very creative photographer because he is inspired and encouraged by his own image making. His work is magnificent because he enjoys making his pictures stand out.

Many people are aware of the famous American documentary photographer, Dorothea Lange. She is best known for her photographs of the Great Depression. It was a great way to show the world what people were going through during this time period.

Pop art has always one of my favorite types of art.  I am inspired by Andy Warhol’s art work because I love the way he uses bright colors in his work as well as contrast. It really catches my attention.

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