Tuesday, March 13, 2012

David Hockney Inspired Collage

This is a portrait of my sister, Aisha for the David Hockney Collage. This was an interesting assignment where I had to build her face up again to become one. I could've fixed up the lighting in the background and I could've fixed the skin tone.

Merril Park Bridge- This was the hardest part of the David Hockney Collage because I had trouble with the trees in the background. I needed to fit them as they were in reality. I could've done a better job with this but I was able to make a full scene.


  1. You're landscape is much more successful but I think it goes without saying that photographing the subkect matter correctly would have worked more towards your advantage

  2. In the first photo of your sister it looks like the colors don’t really vary that much and it doesn’t really look like you used different pictures. I like the composition but I think it would have been more succesful if you were to vary the lighting of the pictures and maybe took more pictures to have more variation. I really like the second one of your landscape. The composition is really nice as well as the variation in the photos. I like how everything doesn’t exactly match up and how you were creative with how you approached putting them together! Very nice job.
